Monday, 3 November 2014

Happiness is all iam.....

amidst all that seems to be happennin/ goin on or watever with all the braveness i still stand  by ma word n say " am a concure, am great , rich  n keep moving forward.
DFG  n G for lyf .......G n I

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

was yesterday Monday 08/ September/2014 at exactly 22:03hrs when i got an accident near Kavule next to Christian Life Church, i nearly lost my leg, but Thank God my Motorbike too survived.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

going home without my motorbike........Oh God I feel so incomplete

Saturday, 23 August 2014

my Business news

it was on Tuesday the 19th of August when one of my employees stole all the working capital together with some cash that i had given him to got and buy more working materials together with the money that they had made the previous day........
Am still Strong and believe that better things are yet to come my way.

could be one of my paths to victory.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Benefits of looking back into our life

"Cam-4-one-self" means a personal cam that shoots all our activities is just needed for us to think at this moment.
Cam4 - Just think

Cam4 - Just think

 How many times have we looked back into our life that, what was happened in our past? Are we ever worried of the mistakes that we used to do in all instances? Have we ever cried for our situation and longed to change ourselves? Have we ever sat down to think of what has happened in the whole day at our nights? Is there an instance we appalled for our lies we tell usually? Why! Why this has not happened in our lives, it’s usual we forget those things; most of us don't want to see the past and wander in search of new thrills. We think that life on earth is a period to live happily and to enjoy at our most possible level. Pleasure on earth has masked our eyes; in turn we are desperately not willing to assess ourselves at most of the times. 
Every successful company has its own assessment at the end of the year, month, week and some places at each day. Why? it is to develop the company at its most possible level so as to get maximum earnings. A man made company and his vision is given a highest position to assess all its deeds but why the hell human beings are not assessing themselves. 
 This damn question created a self awareness in me and on analyzing myself I found a bulk of mistakes everyday I do but this has not just arrived on a day but has traveled quite a lot of days in my lifetime as I have not assessed myself and quit it on its entry. If I could not have assessed myself in the middle I could have end up myself as an unhappy person at last, as my deeds would not have been appreciable. Every man on his death bed feels and realizes the mistakes and many are studious to ask forgiveness to people and God at their last moments of the life; why not a man on his daily life assess himself and predict his mistakes. It is ridiculous for many to spend time on these habits, they may think of wasting their time but it is good, if they put on time and record it in black and white.
On advancement of technologies in the world many of us have lost time to write letters, we don't have time to use our pen and paper, everything finishes in "e" were we send electronic symbols and record our anguish in a moment with tonnes of unworthy shares. The concept of sharing has many worthy values, it provides fast spreading of valuable information but has minimized our mind that not to record our originality in the text as well as ideas. We steal others knowledge and share others writings. When have we written a letter with our hand; last time? What is the need we can pronounce? Putting on matters in black and white has values; we forget it and lost our habit of assessing our own. We think our 'fb' and twitter as a diary and keep on sharing, commenting and tweeting. What’s the use of it, can anyone think of your past and get any valuable life time records form the timeline. Is it possible for you to think it as better as a hand written diary? No, never you cannot match it. It’s all our fate the advancement has made us to forget many great characters from our ancestors. 
Is there a possibility for us to think of seeing back. Please, please do it. We shall see a list of benefits we have on doing it.
Benefits of looking back into our life:
1. We shall see the wrong habits we have and can also find a solution to stop it.
2. We shall see the good habits we have so as to induce it for flourishing.
3. We shall decide our future by looking into our past; it would be great and predictable only on doing it.
4. We shall get confidence because of our great attitudes and success; even they may be small to you on doing it but on reviewing, it would appear great as if it is as big as a mountain.
5. We shall recollect our promises that we made to others; these are very important as it governs our prestige.
6. We shall see our angry and cowardliness, this would help you to be a better person.
7. We shall get some hurts form the past, we feel shy of what we have done on our past but it would help you not to do like that thereafter.
8. We shall copy some good characters from the past, those may be with you some time long ago; if you could have changed your nature now - you could alarm yourself to be as before. Forget not your past goodness.
9. We shall get our happiest moments as well as worst moments; all these would teach us a lot. 
10. Our past friends and enemies will come in front of our eyes on thinking back, it would build our friendship stronger and to be careful on someone who is cruel to you.
11. Knowledge changes when time goes on. We shall get knowledge and clarity of thought from our past happenings. We shall be proud of ourselves being wise in the past. 
12. Love always plays a great role in our life, someone or other might have loved us so much that would have been moved out of our eyes in course of time; this would be recollected from  seeing our past. Many forget these past and cruel to whom they have been loved by.
13. Familial relationships could be recalled and many are ridiculous on looking at it now but will build your relationship strongly.
14. Every past movements has answers, every past activities has validity it is useful even now though it seems old it has the great power to transform your heart.
15. I believe that god even has looked into his creations on creating it. It is given in the Holy Bible (Genesis :1) that God looked back on his majesty of creating organisms after creating it. 
How about us? Do we need a cam 4 shooting our daily activities, its pleasurable enjoyable but has the drastic effect of transforming your life. Look back to your life guys, think well, review what you have done on your lifetime and set your present on the right track.
I wish you all the best for your life.
@0773820681 julio

Saturday, 16 August 2014

My new Business .......(Oh help me God)

I began a  Business with the location in Kalerwe market on the 13th of August 2014 night was when my employees where shifting to the place because i as well got them a house that i paid rent for. and the place where they were to work from close to their residence.

Monday, 21 July 2014

A mobile web pension Information management system

A mobile web pension information management system is the system am going to be presenting as my final year project.
Oh God loving Father please stand with me as you impart confidence and content in us as we face the pannel.
We believe and trust in You God Almighty for the sucess and best result of my final year project group.
#God & I#

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Tears droping down my shabby shwaby chicks forming a wonderfull eleven

Its the fourth day since my machine was taken away from me.

Feeling so down and torn down

 sometimes life really seems to get so hard but we aint gat no other option but to keep moving forward hoping and working for the best................................a feel so down from the moment in time when this neighbor's daughter "Mellon" came at our work place, found me really so busy and told me how there was someone at their shop who wants to buy her a good laptop like mine, approached me and requested for my laptop Hp pavilion Dv 6000 took it and never brought it back till today from Thursday 4:00 pm.................Oh God Loving Father in Heaven I know you have the best plans and better plans for me  please get for me a far better asset.

 Thank Lord Loving Father In Heaven. Amen

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Consequences of money in a relationship 

Women and money: Cursed if they have it, cursed if they don’t
Women and money: Cursed if they have it, cursed if they don’t
I was in a relationship in which I thought I was dating my best friend. We were so compatible, it was scary. We liked the same things and hangout almost anywhere. When he had money, he footed the bill. When I had the money, I footed the bill.

Then one day he lost his job. All of a sudden, he did not want to hang out together. He would tell me he cannot go without money; save for the fact that before his job he could comfortably hang out “on me” all night long and he had no qualms about it.

Long story short, we grew apart and eventually broke up. It is a dating fact; when single men have lots of money, it works to their advantage. When single women have lots of money, it is a problem that has to be dealt with.

Rich men date not-so-rich women all the time. In fact, they prefer it. They will not admit to it openly but a man with means and money likes splashing on his woman. But let a woman with money do that for a man she loves. He will run for the hills.

It is taken as normal for a guy to have more money

“Him not having money doesn’t matter to me, so I don’t want it to matter to him,” says Susan, a lawyer.

“But it does, I see it when we go out. When I propose a place that we should go, I see him quickly doing the math. When I tell him it is okay, I got it, he gets offended and insists on going to the same place and struggling with the bill. I don’t get it. Why can’t he just let me meet the bill?”

Women with money just want to enjoy their success and not apologise for it. And that translates to enjoying the great dates, living in a good apartment, pimping their men when they (the men) can’t afford certain fi ne things in life.

But therein lies the problem. The men don’t like dating women who have a bigger bank account. And when he is intimidated by it so much, he will opt out of the relationship.

He might start thinking of you as his mother….

From the time he was little, the person who gave him treats was his mother or the mother figure in his life. When you start buying him the car, the fancy suits, paying the bills, he starts thinking of you as his mother (or sugar mummy) and that gets really awkward.

He will always feel like an under–performer. Like he has been neutered… and trust me, shrunk balls never feel good on a man. Ever.

Last resort

Not all men though are too proud not to stoop so low as to comfortably take a woman’s money and enjoy all the perks that come with dating loaded women. Sadly though, such men just want your money. They will date you and use your money to fund their other relationships.

Women with money wear the pants

While money should not be the issue, (there are so many women who make more than their husbands and still make it work), women who have more money than their partners tend to be domineering and rather condescending. They assume the man’s role in the relationship – after all they make more money.

The women will argue that it is not about the money but about compatibility but where is the compatibility if the man feels inadequate? Because, let’s face it: it is more than just a difference in income; it is a difference in tastes, social circles, aspirations, outlook on life... everything!

Ways Rich people think Differently Than Average People
1) Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.
Average fellas are SCARED of money. You read that correctly. FEAR of money. You’ll hear average fellas say things like “I would never try and make money from this. I would never do this just for money” etc. Like money is AIDS and they would never try and get it. Everyone needs money because money is freedom. This fear of money is a one-way ticket to average town. Everyone needs money, there is no damn reason to make excuses or justify it or be afraid of it. I want money. This is how I make my money. Deal with it. Don’t be ashamed of your need or want for money. Get out there and take it and leave the excuses for average Joe.
2) Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.
Everyone is selfish, but there are two types of selfishness: overt selfishness and covert selfishness. You want to be OVERTLY selfish. Covert selfishness is for chicken shits. When you come right out and say “I want it my way and I’ll have it my way” you will get what you want. When you play the covertly selfish guy, also known as nice guy syndrome, you are only going to get shit on. Nice guys aren’t nice guys, they’re chicken shits. They want the same thing overtly selfish guys want, money and women, but they’re too scared to come right out and demand it so they play nice and hope they’ll be able to manipulate that outcome. But it won’t happen, it’ll never happen. You want it? Take it. You want to eat shit? Play the nice guy game.
3) Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.
I hear these losers all the time, “if I could just win the lottery. If I could just get a chance. If my big break would come in” and blah blah blah. I don’t expect anything to be given to me. If I want it you can be damn sure I’ll go and get it. Play your stupid lottery, sit on your stupid couch in front of your stupid tv, and make your stupid excuses. Someone else is out there kicking ass and taking what is rightfully his.
4) Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.
Universities are leftist indoctrination facilities. And they are full of deluded morons. You must educate yourself. Any damn thing you want to learn about you can learn about. You don’t need to spend time in women’s studies to learn it. Every damn thing is on the internet, for free. If you want to learn about it the only thing stopping you is you. I will say it again and again: Everything you learn in college is useless if you want to be an entrepreneur and it’s up to YOU to learn your craft.
5) Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.
Some people call it planning for the future, I like to call it visualization. Visualize the future and how you will be. Actually see yourself as you wish to be. The things we think tend to become reality (assuming you aren’t a delusional narcissist).
Things used to be so great, but nowadays….” Forget that nonsense and mold your future the way you want it.
6) Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically.
Money is like an extra emotion to poor people. They always have “money problems” and they’re always whining about it. For some damn reason they can’t ever have enough to pay rent and the car payment and the damn electric bill. I have been poor many times but I’ve never been so poor I couldn’t pay my bills and I’ve never been so poor I cried about it. Forget about money as emotion, it’s just a damn game making money. Think about it like you think about your next 15 chess moves. Don’t be like these idiots living paycheck to paycheck and never having enough. Here’s a simple solution: If you’re poor…..DOWNSIZE!
…and then get to work, plan ahead, and quit spending your money on nonsense.
7) Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. Rich people follow their passion.
I don’t like the word passion, that’s a word for women’s romance novels, the correct word is obsession. Rich people follow their obsessions to the edge of the earth and beyond. Average people can’t understand this because their obsession stops at their favorite sports team or tv show or smoking pot or some other nonsense. 4 Hour Work Week is a cool little motivational book but you can’t take the title literally. If you’re going to find success in your field you are going to spend every waking minute thinking about it, you will have to be obsessed. Forget relaxing, forget taking a break, just give in to the obsession.
8) Average people set low expectations so they’re never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge.
Hey man, don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. You expect too much. Let’s just watch the game!
I have no time for this type of person. How any man could live his life so pathetically free of any and all challenge is beyond me. You get the same types in the gym. Type A is afraid to exert any real energy and Type B will go all the way. Type B will have the physique to show for it.
9) Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.
What do I have to do to get rich?
Be the type of motherfucker that gets rich“.
Be a damn killer  and go get it.
10) Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people’s money.
I’ll tell you boys, I made my first money using NONE of my own money. Not a penny. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you want it bad enough, as in you are obsessed with it, you will get it. Even if you only have $12 to your name, makes no difference.
I can’t make money because I don’t have any money“. Sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it?
I have to make money because I don’t have any money” sounds much better.
11) Average people believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy. Rich people know they’re driven by emotion and greed.
I have no time for these people who constantly talk about logic and strategy. “I like logic. I deal with things logically.” Logic is only one part of the picture. If you look at everything logically you aren’t looking at the big picture and I’ll tell you why. Most people in the world do not think logically, they think emotionally. When you speak to them logically you are not getting through to them.
Most people in the world are dummies and they don’t think logically, they can’t think logically. But these “I’m so logical” types always assume that everyone else also thinks “logically”. If you think they think logically you are thinking like a dummy.  Not everyone thinks like you, in fact most people don’t even think. They just react. They’re idiots and shouldn’t be treated like they are masterful logicians, and they shouldn’t even be assumed to understand logic. Logical thinking is only half the the puzzle.
12) Average people live beyond their means. Rich people live below theirs.
Again, these people can’t pay their phone bills at the end of the month. Have money leftover. Hell, I live like a king and I barely spend any money. I’m able to live very well because of a little word called Geo-Arbitrage. Make money in dollars, spend in baht and I want for nothing. My monthly expense are bare minimum. Few bucks in rent for my high rise condo with pool view, few bucks for water and electric, few bucks for internet, few bucks for gym membership, few bucks for my maid, and a few bucks to run my websites. Easy, spartan, simple and clean. If need be, all those expenses can be reduced even further. I spend less money to live on now than I use to spend on just my mortgage.
13) Average people teach their children how to survive. Rich people teach their kids to get rich.
I had average parents who taught me how to be average. They didn’t know anything about making money but they sure were adamant that college and a full time job and saving for retirement was the answer. I wasted years following that stupidity. For most of my life I’ve been a fool, and a lot of you probably have too. But it’s not too late to wake up and start kicking ass instead of licking ass.
14) Average people let money stress them out. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth.
Money is freedom, baby. I can’t say this enough. Money buys you freedom. If you have money you don’t have to take orders. When you have money you have the pleasure of saying my favorite word, “no”. I do anything I want any time I want. I don’t ask permission.
15) Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.
Television, magazines, celebrity websites, sports – the mark of the average. If you can’t learn or earn from it, burn it.
16) Average people think rich people are snobs. Rich people just want to surround themselves with like-minded people.
Rich people are different. After you’ve made it why would you ever want to go and hang out with losers who are jealous of you? Average people cannot hide their envy and jealousy. I have seen this look in their eyes, up close and personal, it is the most pathetic look I have ever seen and the most hateful look I have ever seen. They made the poor decision to go and waste their life at a job and now you’re demon because you are free and have money. You took the time to educate yourself, you took the time to make your own money, you took the chance, you did all the work and they look at you like you got lucky and they have the gall to get enviously angry at you. It has often been noted that you end up exactly like the people you hang out with, so say goodbye to the losers be elitist and hang out with the winners.
17) Average people focus on saving. Rich people focus on earning.
How many people have told you of the wonderful benefits of saving for retirement and how you can finally live like a king when you’re 65? None of those people seemed to be living large, though. Weird, huh? Can it be that they have no clue what they’re yammering about? I choose to live like a king right now, I’m too selfish and impatient to wait. To afford my lifestyle I had to quit my damn job and focus on earning. And it was the best decision I ever made.
18) Average people play it safe with money. Rich people know when to take risks.
What I have found is that when I take big risks, the kind of risks that give me nausea, diarrhea and anxiety for days, they tend to payoff for me. For some damn reason I have been able to risk my money many times and have always made it back plus some extra. It has always been when I didn’t take a risk, when I chose to hang on to the money I had, that I burned through it and was left broke. You can never, ever make it without risking something.
19)  People love to be comfortable. Rich people find comfort in uncertainty.
Average people don’t want to do any damn thing except eat snacks and watch tv. Wasting your days at a 9-5 and wasting your nights in front of the tv on a La-z-boy recliner with a bag of chips is comfortable for some, I guess, but it always made me miserable. Personally, I hate relaxing. It’s such a damn waste of time.
20) Average people never make the connection between money and health. Rich people know money can save your life.
Well, at least I have my health“.
This saying always makes me laugh a little. What they are really saying is “my life is terrible….but at least I’m alive“. I’d rather be dead than be 65 years old and living on social security and medicare. I’d rather be dead than be old and living on a fixed income and relying on the government to give me my “pills”.
Not only does money give you piece of mind, which can save your damn life from high blood pressure and stress, but it also buys the best medical care and the best drugs.
21) Average people believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. Rich people know you can have it all.
Average people are excuse-makers. “I chose to have a family instead of going into business“. Bullshit, you chose mediocrity because you’re mediocre. Lie to yourself all you want, but I can see through those lies a mile away. If you were driven and not a liar you would let your family motivate you to give them a better life. A family isn’t a burden or an obstacle in making money, it’s an excuse to be lazy and coast at a job. Rich people demand more out of life, and they get it. Demand more, especially from yourself, and your quality of life will go up. Demand more from your personal relationships and you will get more. Demand more from your business partners and you will get more. If they don’t want to play ball then fuck ‘em, find others who want to play. It’s a big world out there and there is plenty for your taking. Be a man and take it.
+256 773820681