Well I would swim but the river is so wide
And I’m scared I won’t make it to the other side
Well God knows I’ve failed but He knows that I’ve tried
I wish to take this opportunity to thank God for the year 2014, one of the
incidences i remember is that it stated when i Got an accident, but in 2014, i
achieved so many things among which were;
I sold my TVS motor bike and bought a Yamaha SR which has been one of the best
motorbikes i have owned
God gave me the Yamaha Sr motor bike as a blessing and at the same time a
turning point in my life. Thanks be to God!!
When i sold the Yamaha motor bike, i was able to buy a bajaj boxer UDH, an Hp
laptop, and i also started renting. OMG!!
as the year went on, i was able to buy myself a sumsung galaxy s4 that i really
treasured so much.
- One of my hobbies in life is riding and i happen to have rode several
motor bikes last year among which were honda motor bikes for ministry of
health, stead motor bike, bajaj boxer,Platna motor bike..... a reali liked it
for a fancy motor bikes in my life.
Now in December, around 3rd December, thives came into my place and stole my
sumsung galaxy S4, my small Alcatel phone, a Tab that belonged to a customer
who is a Nigerian Pastor, A small Mini laptop that i was given to sell.......thereafter
i had to sell off my motor bike...the Bajaj boxer blue in color and also had to
give the owner of the stollen mini laptop my Toshiba that i Owned then.
But i call 2014 a success and still stand firm to say THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!
i know you are giving me better than what is gone.